Question 02

Why has FCC leadership decided to sell the land instead of constructing a new building on it in the future?

Prayerful consideration was given to various factors in relation to the future development of this land:

  • The vast changes in our community and the culture in general from 2005, when FCC first purchased the land, has brought a decline in the land's financial value. Growth and expansion of Huber Heights is now focused on the northern edge of the community.
  • Constructing a new facility from the "ground up" on undeveloped land today is typically more costly than repurposing an existing building. This increased expense would necessitate building "in phases" – requiring the need to operate both the current building and the newly constructed building. FCC is committed to reaching and serving young families in our community. Expecting parents to separate their children on one side of the street while they are worshiping on the other side of the street is not in the best interest of serving families.
  • The existing building is a "purpose built" building, with most likely potential buyers being another church. A community is best served when churches are spread throughout the community versus congregating on the same corner.
  • A desire for greater exposure due to an increase in drive-by traffic.
  • Relocating to a different location allows FCC to step boldly into a new season of ministry and identity, extending our reach into additional communities.